Knald 1.1.2 Released!
Build Number: 20160409001 – April 12th, 2016.
Since the 1.1.1 release of Knald last month we have been hard at work improving mesh processing and baking speeds in addition to fixing a few bugs and adding some other new improvements to Knald. Enjoy!
What’s changed since Knald 1.1.1?
New Features, Improvements and Optimizations
- Improved High Poly mesh loading & processing speed by an average of 25%.
- Improved baking speed by by an average of 5%.
- Added an option in the export tab to enable the saving of .ksf’s on user export.
- Added various sanity checks to ensure HP/LP/Cage meshes exist when baking from a saved .ksf.
- Updated tooltips.
- Miscellaneous improvements and optimizations.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue during acceleration structure generation.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.