Knald 1.1.1 Released!
Build Number: 20160313001 – March 13th, 2016
Since the 1.1.0 release of Knald a couple of months ago we have been hard at work fixing a few bugs and adding new improvements to Knald. Time to enjoy Knald 1.1.1!
What’s changed since Knald 1.1.0?
New Features, Improvements and Optimizations
- Added a choice of ray distribution methods for the baker.
- Added an option to toggle the filtering of reflections within the 3d viewport.
- Updated to the latest FBX SDK (2016.1.2).
- Update hotkeys and top menus.
- Updated tooltips.
- Miscellaneous improvements and optimizations.
Bug fixes
- Fix for issue where some FBX meshes caused mesh importing to hang.
- Fix for issue where High Poly planar faces (axis aligned) baked incorrectly in rare cases.
- Fix for issue where Concavity settings were not saving correctly.
- Fix for issue where Convexity settings were not saving correctly.
- Fix for issue where Curvature settings were not saving correctly.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.